Dracula Resurrection Walkthrough
by N.Kuderna and Ozma38
March 29, 2000
This is a complete walkthrough, but only use it if you are absolutelystuck! There is a lot to explore in the game and youshould take your time playing and enjoying it.
After the prologue, you will bestanding in front of the Golden Crown Inn. Enter and talk with theInnkeeper (Barina) and the old man at the table (Micha). Ask themabout the castle.
Leave the Inn and follow the signfor the bridge (Pons) [F x3, L x1] to the sign for the cemetery. Followthe path forward once to the signs of the cemetery and the cross. Doesn'tmatter where you go first but you need to pick up objects at both locations.For the cemetery, go forward through the gate to the back and turn rightand then go forward to the shed and pick up the ax. Go back toward thegate and turn left to go to the swirling bluish white lights. Use the pickax on those lights and pick up the dragon ring.
Leave the cemetery and go to theCross. [F x2, then R] You need to go around the other side of the crossand look down at the base to find a sling shot. Return to the Inn and askBarina and Micha about the ring and sling shot. Micha will tell you itis practical to use the sling shot to hunt birds by the big oak tree atthe lake.
Time to check out the LAKE.
From the Inn, follow the sign tothe lake (Lacus)
Go up to the man in front of thecabin and he will tell you to get away! He is one of Dracula's henchmanthat you saw in the prologue and at the Inn earlier. Turn around and goto the oak tree [F, L, L], Go up on to the tree and use the sling shoton the birds. The man will run out and you will be able to get to the cabin.Pick up the club that is leaning against the front of the cabin. Use theclub on the man. Turn to your right and pick up the reed flute in the openbarrel. Go out on the pier and pick up the knife stuck in the other barrel.
Return to the Inn. Talk with Michaand Barina about the flute. You will find out what it is used for and thecode.
You can check out the Basement andthe Bedroom upstairs in the Inn now. Go down to the basement and pick upthe telescope that is in the closet. Go up stairs to the bedroom and movethe chest. Climb up the chest and get the knob that is hidden on the beamnear the ceiling. Turn to the left and use that knob on the handle. Goup to the loft and you will see a large black crown supported by a heavyrope and a tripod. Use the telescope on the tripod. Look through the telescopeand you will see another henchman warming his hands near the bridge. Usethe flute on the henchman. He is runs over to the Inn and stands rightbelow that big black crown. Use your knife on the rope and the crown willknock him out. Go back to the bedroom and Barina will come up and talkwith you. You can't go out the front door so you must go out the door thatis now available in the bedroom. Go to the knocked out henchman (Iorga)and pick up the keys that are on his belt. Now go to the unguarded Bridgeand on your way notice the well.
You can get to the bridge by goingright after getting the keys from Iorga. You try to get over the bridgebut it is old and collapses! Can't get out that way!
Go to the WELL.
Use your small key on the well.Go up the stairs and pick up the lamp. Go back down the stairs and turnright to go toward the darkened corner. You will get a magnifying cursornear the left of that dark area. Use the lamp on that hook. Pick up thegrappling hook. Go back to the Inn and use that grappling hook to get backup through the hole in the balcony.
Go back downstairs and questionMicha and Barina about the bridge and the lake cabin. Barina will tellyou about a passage in the cellar and give you a key for the hutch. Openthe drawer and pick up the lighter, key and read the diary.
Go down into the basement againand use the lighter on the candle. Use the rusty key from the drawer onthe barrel. Use the dragon ring on the mechanism. Go through the tunneland you will end up at the mine. It is sealed up with rocks, but thereis a door at the other end that you can get out of by using your dragonring again.
Go to the cabin by the lake. Michasaid that the cabin conceals an access to the Castle and you must get tothe Castle to save Mina. At the Cabin, use the key to open the door. Gotoward the barrels and grab the crowbar holding the barrels in place. Enterthe small elevator. Turn around and click on the switch, the elevatorstarts to move. Viorel cuts the cable and you will be at the bottomof the MINE.
At the MINE go toward the left anduse the crowbar on the chain. The wooden support beams will fall and youcan pick one of them up to use as a plank to get across to the openingin the rock wall. Go forward as far as you can and use the plank on thatopening. Walk across and you will see a large pile of rocks in front ofyou blocking a doorway. Use the crowbar again on those rocks. Pick up theskeleton arm. Use the lighter on the rugged oil lamp hanging from the bars.Use the skeleton arm to reach the bar with handles. Turn around and godown farther into the mines. You will come to another broken bridge. Goforward as far as you can go and use the bar with handles on the chainto get across. The gates don't open but you can go along the path downto the bottom of the mine.
Find the working cart that is onthe top of the track to your right. Go forward all the way to the otherside of the cart, turn around and use the lever that is on the lower leftside.
After your ride, go forward outof the cart and look up at the pully. Take the S shaped hook. Go back downto the cart room by turning left at the table again. Go forward to thecart that is off the track. You will see a lever next to it. Use the Sshaped hook on that mechanism and then pull the lever to move the tracks.Go back to the cart that you were just in. Pull that lever to make it goagain and enjoy another ride! Toward the end of your ride you will jumpout just before the cart crashes to the bottom of a pit and breaks withthe oil drum that was in there with you.
Go forward and find the lamp onthe left side of the tracks. Use your lighter to light it, then pick itup. Since there is no way to get across you need to find another way. Turnaround and move the door leaning against the right wall. In that room youwill find a gear to raise the tracks. Open the mechanism and use your ring.Now you can cross that bridge, but UH OH, Bats! Go back one step and turnaround. Use your lantern on the oil spill at lower left side of the pit.Now you can cross the tracks. Go to the right through the archway and upthe small stairs. Pull the lever. You will get in the small gondola andgo for another exciting ride to the CASTLE!
Go forward through the graveyardto the entry on the right. Go down the spiral stairway and use the ringon the lock to the left of the cell door. Enter the room, going aroundas far as you can and light the oil lamp on your left. You will meet Dorko.Ask her about Mina. She will tell you to bring her the amulet, but beforethat you need to bring her the Medal of the Dragon Brotherhood, which isthe key that unlocks the system. She knows how to make it work! Go backto the spiral steps and go up this time. You can't get through the doorso turn and try to go toward Dorko. She will open the door for you butwon't be able to go any further.
You will be in the GREAT HALL. Goacross the center area to the arched foyer just to the left of the mainstaircase. Get the key from that door. Go back out and up the main stairwaythrough the door at the top of the stairs. Turn to the right down a smallcorridor and then through a door to your left that leads to DRACULA'S BEDROOM!
Look at the ball on the pedestaland take it. Get the picture and gem from the trunk. Place the pictureon the wall to the right of the door you entered from. Look at the pictureand then leave the room through the other door (to the left of the oneyou came in). This will take you to the BALCONY OF THE LIBRARY.
Turn to right and go into the roomat the end of the row of bookshelves. Move the handle on that deviceand it will raise the Chandelier in the Great Hall.
Leave the room, turn left, go forward,turn right and go forward through the door which takes you to the mainpart of the LIBRARY. Turn to your right and look at the top of the ladder.A letter will fall and you will read it. Climb up the ladder and move thelever. You can click on the ball in front of you but it will not stay open.Go down the ladder and to the left of it as far as you can then pan thebookcase to your right until you get the Look cursor.
Look and open the little oval paneland place the gem you in it that you got from the trunk. A light will bedirected toward the big carved wooden desk. Go there and click on the lookcursor in the center of the desk. The middle panel will open showing manypictures (the Brotherhood of the Dragon). Back out of that close up andlook just below at the roll top part of the desk above the red blotter.Open that roll top panel and pick up the plaque, the medal of the dragon,the key and the cross in the circle. Now it is time to see Dorko!
(To find Dorko, go out the largedoor at the far end of the library. Turn right and walk over wherethe chandelier was raised. Go out that corner door, through a darkcorridor and then use the key that broke off the door in the arched foyerto open the locked door leading to the cemetery. Go down the stairsand across to the entry on the right. Take the spiral stairs downto Dorko's cell.)
After talking with Dorko you needto get back into the castle. Go back up the stairs with the stone wolves.
There is one thing that you needto pick up that will come in handy later. Go down to the great centralroom of the castle. There is some rubble next to the pillars. Look therefor a shield and you will pick up a gauntlet. Go up the main stairs toget to Dracula's bedroom again. Put the crystal ball on the pedestal andyou will see the picture and mirror. Go to the right and then turn towardsthe pedestal. You will get a look cursor. Open the drawer and look at thecards which give you clues to the mirror puzzle. Back out and turn aroundto look at the broken mirror. Click on the corresponding signs of the zodiacthat were on the 3 cards that you saw through the crystal ball. LEO, ARIES,and VIRGO
A door will open. Turn aroundand go through that newly opened passage. Use the dragon ring onthe locking mechanism. A hidden drawer opens beneath the dragon toreveal a sword. Pick it up. Go back to the lock and use thesword in the locking device. Pull down on the sword handle,Use your gauntlet on the mouth that opened. Pull the ring.Put the painted plaque of St. George in the spot above the desk.A golden ornate case will rise to reveal a Faberge egg. Use the JeweledKey on Dracula's picture. Get the gem and the key. Time toget back to the main Library room. Grab your sword before you leave!You will need it!
Go to the writing table and movethe miniature globe. Use the ring on the map and move it so thatthe feet of the dragon ring circle 40N. and 25 E. Note those numbersand the color blue for North and red for East.
Use the small key on the clock.That will open Dracula's picture on the desk panel. Use the Medalof the Dragon on that picture. The markers on the globe will move.Go around the side of the globe and get a close up view. Adjust the coordinatesand then move the top of the globe.
Use your sword on the dragon anduse the gem on the tip of the sword handle where you see the claws open.The beam of light opens another secret passage.
Go through the passage and lookto your left to see a recess in the wall. Turn to your right andgo up the stairs. Read the letter on the table to your left,then go to the table on the right side of the lecturn. Move the bookwhich knocks over a bottle of acid. Take the bottle of acid.Turn back to the lecturn. Place the cross medallion on the carvedout spot above the book. The pedestal turns to reveal another Medallion,take it. Move your cursor toward the top to open the panel.
The Ball Puzzle ~ Place theballs in the top area to spell out SATOR across the top row. Theballs should spell out ROTAS across the very bottom row. Take the Cross.Leave this room and go down the stairs to the recess in the wall straightahead.
Go into the new opening in the CRYPT.Go left to the Alter, use the acid on the chain. Take the Amulet,UH OH! Vampires! After the vampires talk to you , turn to theleft of the Alter, go to the handle/switch on the wall and pull it.A window opens and the light scares away the vampires. Go to theopposite side of the room and place the Cross in the recess. Go throughthe new opening and up the stairs. Dorco appears and takes the Amulet.Dorco leaves you locked in the room with Mina. Go toward Mina, panwith your cursor and follow the arrows to the far right side of the room.Place the Angel Medallion on the wall. Turn the ring. A portalto the outside will open. Turn around and follow the arrows back to Mina.Pick her up and ENJOY THE FINALE!
This walkthrough will be updated frequently.
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